
Each of us is born with certain personality traits. We cannot change the core of who we are but we can change how we deal with other individuals by understanding our communication style and identifying our strengths.

Directionality is a useful inventory that shapes personality theory into a more accessible and useful tool for both adults and children. This valuable, practical assessment is administered to help those who work together in offices, departments, schools, homes, and industry to maximize productivity and social emotional learning as they increase their skills to communicate more effectively.

Directionality helps the individual gain insight into his/her own personality while coming to better understand the personality of those around him/her. To accommodate different levels of maturity three versions of Directionality are available: elementary, middle and high school/adults. This assessment assists both students and educators in better understanding different communication styles and behaviors as well as different learning and teaching styles. It helps parents understand their own parenting styles, their own teaching styles, and those of their children’s teachers.

Directionality assessment concludes with a detailed profile for each individual which indicates communication and learning strengths and motivators. These strengths can help an individual to choose a pathway where they can focus on what they do best. Cost = $4.00

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